Wine and not vegan friendly? What's the trick? - I Blame The Wine

Wine and not vegan friendly? What’s the trick?

Vegan diet is on the rise. It is not surprising: it is ethical, healthy (as it is plant based) and takes into account our environment.

Though our visitors sometimes wonder why is wine not vegan…

True fact, wine is made of grapes and mostly nothing else. Yet the issue is with its production process. Many winemakers, to achieve a clear and bright wine, are filtering what they have in their barrels prior to bottling. These filters are mostly made from animal derived materials, i.e. cow’s intestines or fish bones, and hence those wines are not strictly vegan.

The major point of vegan wine is its ethos – these wines are not relying on killing animals to produce a finished product.

Yet there are also a few very important considerations when vegan wine becomes one person’s necessity. The issue could be with the fact that some people are allergic to dairy or eggs, so if those products are used during fining or filtration, it actually creates a health threat.

We’ve been asked many times how to ensure your wine doesn’t have any residual dairy or egg particles and the answer is simple – choose vegan wine! Check the label for vegan sign or at least whether it is mentioned at all. Sometimes there is really nothing as there is no legal requirement to actually label wine as vegan friendly. You can opt for other helping signs as ‘unfiltered’ or ‘no added sulphites’ as these wines will generally be produced strictly naturally with no helping hand of animal derived material.

We cannot also stay away from the whole world of vegan food, vegan recipes, vegetarian meals, so our new reviews will focus on some easy vegan recipes as well. We anticipate to collect your own favourite recipes for vegetarian lasagna and veggie burger among other delicious vegan dishes. It is certain that vegan salad sounds like something very obvious, but what about a delicious vegetarian stew? Have you got a vegan recipe to share?

You could have spent hours of your precious time checking whether a wine is vegan or not, this website save you loads of time as everything here is vegan and allergen free. Naturally, there is helping hand of specialist retailers. Whilst we haven’t found much, there is a dedicated organic wine retailer with clearly marked vegan wine collection. Cheers!

About The Author


Dimitri is passionate about wines, food to go with it, happy & healthy lifestyle, digital marketing, start-ups and entrepreneurship. is about new organic wines in the UK, what to buy or avoid on the retailer shelves; tips on healthy and happy wine lifestyle, but also provides reviews and rankings for organic wines. Get in touch please, I am always on a lookout for new ideas and connections! Cheers.

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