Altos Ibéricos Rioja Crianza 2012 - I Blame The Wine
Altos Ibericos Crianza 2012

Altos Ibéricos Rioja Crianza 2012

This wine comes from Torres, which is a great wine house stretching their interests from Spain to Chile and encompassing a lot if different styles and grape varieties.
Altos Ibericos Crianza 2012
This Rioja wasn’t detectable as a great one when just having a first sniff at it, but, oh boy, it so delivered later on – this wine should be indeed blamed for the typical to Rioja strawberry and plum flavours together with vanilla (woody, but sweet) – it is simply pleasant.
It is juicy, more refreshing than your average Rioja and offers a straightforward fruit taste line.
I believe Torres did a good job, yet you will be just OK with it.
There is an abundance of Rioja wines and we all want just a bit more these days. An introduction of a bit more complexity to it would definitely make this wine outstanding, just a tad more please!
About The Author


Dimitri is passionate about wines, food to go with it, happy & healthy lifestyle, digital marketing, start-ups and entrepreneurship. is about new organic wines in the UK, what to buy or avoid on the retailer shelves; tips on healthy and happy wine lifestyle, but also provides reviews and rankings for organic wines. Get in touch please, I am always on a lookout for new ideas and connections! Cheers.

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